Used Equipment for sale
Hi everyone,
We have a bunch of stuff sitting around the shop from various client tear downs:
1x Neptune Systems Aquacontroller II w/ Temp. Probe and lots of X10 modules - $150
1x CPR CS50 hang on overflow box w/ aqualifter pump - $60
1x MP40Wes - Used wet/dry side, brand new controller, brand new power supply $375
2x MP40W - Used - $325
1x MP10W - Used Wet side, brand new motor block and power supply - $220
1x Old style Tunze 6100 (brick style) w/ power supply & transformer. No mounting hardware - $50
1x 1/3hp drop in chiller. Just recharged about 18mo. ago. $300
1x Aqualogic/Ranco single temperature controller w/ probe $50
More to come as I clean/catalogue it.
Thanks for looking!
All items are ready for pick up. No holds.
32"x32"x20" Cube-ish tank
Last edited by mr_alberta; 06-06-2013 at 05:19 PM.