Originally Posted by Jakegr
I dropped off a couple of mushroom colonies and some Halymenia macro algae (Dragons breath) last night at Anthony's. Also a container of Spectrum pellets. It was great meeting you!
Perhaps we should create a running live stock/equipment/supplies list in post #1 so we know what is needed?
I've created a spreadsheet with a list of donators & donations (nice meeting you and your gf last night btw), but only mods & admin can edit old posts.
I am picking up the tank & stand on Friday and by early next week I will have a better idea of exactly what else is needed. I will post on this thread the "running total" but it will have to be continuously posted since editing is not an option.
If anybody has an ATO available or for sale, please let me know. An enclosed Biocube should not lose too much water to evaporation but looking to minimize daily maintenance requirements for Jasper and his family.