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Old 05-28-2013, 03:22 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
and that's just Dave's collection right? lol.

I don't think it's realistic for them or even worth it to take the necessary to steps to have a complete online presence. What I do wish they did was post on the board as a sponsor and have something as simple as a facebook page that they posted mobile pics to which could very easily be done. New inventory arrives and snap some pics. Don't even need to update availability but a little clue about what's going on without driving up there would be really useful and easy to do.

Haha, let's be realistic dude. Let's say this place posts something along the lines of:

"Hey guys, just got in the following:

- Mack Daddy SPS
- Rainbow colored RBTA, amazing!
- Rare and unique wrasses at good prices
- LPS that you'd punch your own birth mother in the face for
- some $5 damsels, good variety"

By the time anyone took note of the ad and drove down there, they'd be purview to whatever was left of any number of humbugs and neon blues...

"Oh, you weren't parked outside waiting for us to open? So sorry..."

I kid, I kid...

This and that.
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