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Old 05-28-2013, 03:10 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
Well given the decline of the printed (and used) phone book and its replacement by digital media, the internet, I'm going to go ahead and say that chances are nobody is shopping at some businesses soley because they don't know about them. Mindreading skills are not listed on the form of pre-requisit skills for reefing. Join the 21st century or don't, natural attrition will prevail.
This is not realistic. There are a large number of businesses out there that don't have the resources (human, time, data, money, whatever) to "join the 21st century".

Lumping all of them together under the single umbrella of ignorance is a red herring to the myriad reasons and challenges behind a business's predisposition(or lack-thereof) towards having a website/online presence.

Hey, I'm not fighting ya on the idea. If it was up to me, ALL businesses would have amazing online retail fronts. But many can't, and much of these "websites" are nothing more than glorified business cards. If a business can do without that, then investing the time and effort into maintaining one might not be all that high on their priorities list.

As far as your last line, that's a bit of a throwaway in this particular instance. I mean c'mon, I'm sure those guys are all crying at the thought of all the business they've been losing over the last few years by not having an online presence.... As they drive home in their Porches, Lexus' and BMW's...
This and that.
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