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Old 05-28-2013, 08:49 AM's Avatar is offline
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Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic View Post
I don't usually post on public forums my email address but it is

For those who are donating to the J&L fund, please pm or email to me how much so I can add it and your name to the Excel spreadsheet I am creating for this bucket list project to keep track of all donations. I would also appreciate your email address or contact info if you don't mind the family contacting you later on about your participation in this cause.

For those in the Fraser Valley, I will be meeting up with at Oceanic on Friday around noonish to pick up the BioCube 14 he has so generously donated. I can meet up with others there or perhaps you can leave with Paul at Oceanic for me to pick up.

Again thank you everyone. The family wanted me to pass on how blown away they are by the generosity of total strangers.

Paul is away on vacation but any donations can be left with either me or Albert at the store and we can pass them onto Anthony on Friday.
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