wow yes, that's a lot of dead fish. Please stop using copper, it's very dangerous for fish and not a good treatment for ick. Use hyposalinity instead which is easy on the fish.
I suspect the copper killed the fish rather than the ick.
You should really leave your main tank fishless for 2 months and then do a proper quarantine of 6 weeks with hyposalinity and that should work better. I had 100% sucess with hyposalinity treating ick, and I always combien hyposalinity with Seachem Paraguard and I never lost a fish in quarantine. ON top of that, I use fully cured liverock (no coral) in the QT with the hyposalinity and Paraguard and never had a trace of ammonia. Paraguard does not destroy the biofilter, nor will hyposalinity so filtration remain very good with liverock.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
Last edited by daniella3d; 05-27-2013 at 03:04 AM.