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Old 05-26-2013, 10:01 PM
Corbin Corbin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Vancouver B.C.
Posts: 178
Corbin is on a distinguished road

lol even after stating what is left, people still pm asking whats left, so well, says a lot about my statement.. lazy and incompetent, cant read for themselves? seems about right.

those who msg me saying they want "blah" they get it, and its a easy nice deal, and have been great to deal with.
why should i waste my time explaining to every person who cant read for themselves or use a single brain cell to figure it out.

Originally Posted by clown lover View Post
I agree edit of the OP would make life a lot easier, it makes it so you have to waste time going through the whole thread to find out what's still FS
lol yeah it would make it easier. cuz id just delete what ive sold, but i cant. and im not gonna go out of my way to help every person along. if you cant figure it out, someone else will buy it lol.

you guys are so gentle, im sorry im a busy person and dont care enough to deal with your laziness
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