I have actually received donations from BCA members via PayPal and e-mail transfer for the bucket list. Any moneys collected above and beyond what is spent on the project will be going to the family for fulfilling Jasper's other bucket list wishes.
When everything is collected, I plan to write a spreadsheet with the name and email address (if desired) of anybody who donated something to the project, where they are from and what they donated. Jasper's mother was completely blown away this afternoon when I told her that we were already receiving support and donations from reefers across Canada, not just Greater Vancouver. The spreadsheet will show them how much support there is from the Canadian reefing community for their son Jasper, even though he is a stranger to all of us. I know they are already very touched by the love and support from all of you. God bless.
BTW, Marie in Powell River has very graciously agreed to bring over a bucket of new salt water once a month for a monthly water change so the family can have a fairly maintenance-free, stress-free system that Jasper can enjoy and not have to worry about. Just wanted to publicly thank Marie for agreeing to this request. I will post updates as I learn more.
Originally Posted by RuGlu6
Hey guys lets make this super cool and see if we can collect some $ for things other then SW fish tank (whatever else is on the list) Anthony can (i think?) get the $ via E-mail Money Transfer.
This is way better then donating to some agency and we will all know exactly how much and where the money go. we have hundreeds of memebers on here so even a small donation from many memebers will make a big difference!