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Old 05-24-2013, 05:39 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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I have an account already set up at J&L so I can ask Jeff to maybe set up a "Bucket List" account to accept donations or email transfer work as well.

I received a pm last night from a cancer-survivor member who knows what this kid is going through and has suggested (which I will do) a pair of clowns (maybe catch out my own so they are hardy, captive-breds already used to being in a tank) and only one damsel and a goby (probably a watchman of some kind).

Regarding the macroalgae, the prolifera species is both an excellent nutrient exporter and has never gone sexual on me in the past 10 years or so. It is also easy to pull out once in a while, unlike grape caulerpa which is more likely to become invasive and go sexual.

Marie, how about I pick up a starfish and we acclimate it in your tank and when you think the boy's tank is ready, you can bring it over for him?

I also decided last night that a small all-in-one, like a Biocube 14 will probably be a better system to set up for this family. I want to set something that will be reasonably maintenance-free if they have to take off for a few days to fulfill another bucket list wish. Already have a DIY LED light being built with built-in timers and a BCA member is generously donating an Autofeeder to this bucket list project.

I would like to thank everyone on Canreef and BCAquaria who are so generously contributing to this bucket list project for a kid that nobody has even met.

I will be making a list of the contributors to give to the boy and his family. Please send me your email address as I am sure they will want to thank you themselves. The boy's name is Jasper. My friend is now contacting Jasper's parents and I should know shortly if this bucket list project is a go.

BTW, any monetary contributions above and beyond what is spent on the bucket list reef tank will be given to the family to cover their future bucket list expenses.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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