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Old 05-23-2013, 03:33 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 6,186
reefwars will become famous soon enough

Couple things I've noticed about the Achilles tang

Lots of much as you can provide this fish loves turbid water

Bullying.....Achilles should be added first if lots of tangs, while they can become aggressive them selves and make it hard to add other range they don't do well with being picked on and your shooting for stress free as Achilles are ich magnets. prepared to feed this fish like no other fish you've fed, mine gets pellets every hour and could prob eat more.

Disease ......they are ich magnets that's why no bullying and lots of food and flow. prepared to rehome this tang with in 1-2 years if you can even find a small juvie

Beautiful fish but hard to take care of and some sacrifices to be made they need to stay fat and ich free
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