Update: 5/18/13
Moved some things around, and found that a 2" frag of yuma ricordia was attached to the underside of a piece of rock - along with an entire colony of green basic zoanthids! Fancy that. However; when I turn the rock around I cover up a 4" ricordia that is attached to the other side of the rock. I gave him a little tug to see if he would dislodge, but he's on there good - and I really don't want to cut him off, so he will forever be facing the backside of the tank.
No justice with this picture, of course:
Added a very nice duncan to the mix, which I'll take a picture of of once he opens up.
Spent a few hours hooking up the RODI system to the bottom of the sink. Not as difficult as I had figured it would be, just one stop to Home Depot! Currently filling up the buckets for a water change and backup water.