This make us realize how dependant those systems are on proper care. We are so responsible for it.
I do water change once a month so I guess not much could go wrong if I was going away for a few weeks.
I returned from a 10 days trip last week and things were A1. My tank sitter who knows nothing about reef aquarium was coming to feed the fish and corals every other day.
Do you know why your tank got to that point? too much feeding?
Surely not the lack of water change because a tank can go many months without water change and still be just fine, so what caused it?
Also do you dose with a dosing pump for calcium, alkalinity? what about top off? that really help keep the tank stable during vacations.
I have a reef angel controler with wifi and I can monitor the temperature, PH, salinity etc and what's ON and what's OFF from the Iphone app any time of the day, plus I have a web cam. That really help too. I have my top off water on a huge baril of 20 gallons of water, so that's plenty enough for 3 to 4 weeks. I also made sure that I had my gallons of calcium and KH fill up to max so that it would last a month.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
Last edited by daniella3d; 05-16-2013 at 04:29 PM.