Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 05-16-2013, 03:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Ginu View Post
Hey Greg, have you ever thought of the BRS 1/⁴ netting?

I made two screens which perfectly fit the two openings of the tank and works very well... I have 4 wrasses and the jump all day. if you want to see it, I can take some pics, out you can come over one day.
Hey dude
Thanks for the heads up, and the visit offer
I've looked at that mesh before, and was thinking about it for a short while, but I don't like how it's turned out for many others (sagging), and I need to block the light from our fixture anyway
I've been using a black garbage bag taped to the light for a year already and this was the kick in the pants I needed
I want to make a wood surround that rests on the top trim, painted white inside and black outside

It will allow me to raise the light higher (with the white paint) so hopefully there's less heat penetrating the water
I won't have to remove the eggcrate everytime I want to get my arm wet, or wash it when we get food on it etc etc etc
And when I want to get seriously wet, I will only need to raise the light and remove the rectangular wood piece

It'll also cut down on the 'glow' we get from the light hitting the back, white-painted wall
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