No new coral pics yet. I'm waiting for them to look a little better
Here's something else to report
Tuesday, 5am, I wake to the sound of rattling eggcrate ...
Bleary-eyed, I get up to investigate and what do I find ? Asrai flopping around on top of the eggcrate, about an inch away from carpet surfing
behind the stand

I got her back in the water pretty easily
Then, too tired to realise I should go back to bed, I found myself standing there, staring at the eggcrate and wondering "how the heck did a 2-1/2" Lubbock's get through eggcrate?"
I stumbled back into bed, but the ol' brain wouldn't shut down
I lay there thanking the fishy god that saved her from a fuzzy slow-death, and started devising a plan for a surround canopy that will fit my suspended fixture. Next thing I knew it was time to get up for work
When I got home last night, Donna was amazed that I woke up, even thought I can sleep through so many other things

RKE alarm, Tunze alarm, overflowing chaeto tank, snails in the Vortechs
They're fishy noises ... I wake up to them
So, the eggcrate is gone and now anyone who jumps can flop around on top of either the center brace or the overflow cover until they dive back in
Last night, with some help from my wife, a roll of packing tape, and a $6 sheet of white corrugated plastic, I made a temp surround
It rests inside the top trim
Cut-outs for the returns and wiring
Vents - fibreglass mesh
Feeding door
The glow that I will cover with some black on the outside
At first it looked kinda cool, but as soon as we're below fixture level, it's pretty irritating as it glows right in our eyes
I'm pondering making something similar that will match the pine Aqueon stand with 2 front access doors, a vent and an exhaust fan