Originally Posted by Oilers
What type of filter media do you use? Can you show us a couple pictures of the filter system?
My filtration is fairly simple. It amounts to a giant canister filter built by Laguna called a Pressure Flo.
I have a pond pump that sucks up water and debris from the bottom of the pond and pushes it into the canister filter. The canister filter has foam pads for mechanical filtration. It also contains bioballs for biological filtration. It also has a UV sterilizer built in to nuke algae spores.
I also have bio balls in my water fall. In addition, this year I am installing an in-pond skimmer that skims the surface for debris like leaves and dead plants. I've managed to get by the past few years without a skimmer but having one will make your life a lot easier. I am constantly netting/scooping gunk like dead leaves off the bottom of the pond. This is fairly important because there is no clean up crew in the pond! Those dead leaves will just rot down there. A pond skimmer (either in-pond or out of pond) will go a long ways in helping to keep this debris from accumulating in your pond.