Thread: New tank help??
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Old 05-15-2013, 04:54 AM
marine_addict marine_addict is offline
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Default New tank help??

So many amazingly experienced reefers in this forum... I thought I would ask...

So, I'm in the process of starting a new reef tank. Tearing down my 120G and switching to a 46G.
I have moved my established (2yrs) live rock and sand from my existing 120G to the new tank, also have moved current equipment and about 1/2 of the needed water to fill the new tank was taken from the old/established tank. Then topped up with fresh mixed water.

My thought was that this would speed up the cycle time, since all of the rock and sand have tons of bacteria thriving.
The new tank has been filled, aquascaped and waiting about 3 days now for it to start a cycle.

My question is... Will this tank go through a cycle? Will there be a die off to start the cycle process? Should I add something to help start it or just wait it out??

I've never moved established rock to a new tank and not sure what to expect??
Any advise would be great, thx
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