Help Corals melting!!!
hey everyone at the moment I am in crisis mode. My pulsating xenia looks as though it has melted away the base is left but the arms look shrunken and like melted together. My Frogspawn is receeding towards the base almost exposing skeleton, and my rodachtuis mushroom is curved inward and I believe showing ouff its sweepers? little white strings all over (happening to harry and rainbow mushrooms too). My ric looks odd as well. What can I do, did a 20% water change (I use seachem aquavitro salinity salt) last night sg perfect match. Dosed 2-3ml of 3-ion fluval sea (first time I have used, could this be it? it upps mag, cal, stront). Just did about a 10% 5 mins ago
parameters as of now
8.0-8.2 PH (low but normal)
0 ppm NH4
0 ppm No2
0 ppm No3
DKH 10-11
Sg 1.025
havent tested cal fora bit but shouldnt be an issue usually around 420-445. and no tests for PO4, Strontium, or magnesium.
please any comments will help significantly