o as you all know, last year around I took down the 240 gal and moved everything into a RSM 250. lost alot of stuff from Marine V. now every thing is back to normal other then the DAMN Green Hair Algae.
I'm running Phosban,
i have a sea hare that is dumb. Its not eating like I thought it would do.
I have a Vertex Cone 170 for a skimmer
I use RO/DI
water changes every 2 weeks for 15 gals. using IO Reef Cystals.
I feed Flakes
I grow live brine shrimp.
mysis shrimp i use, brine blood worms ( Frozen)
I swapped out some rock that was in a tub and it was all white and now its covered in GHA. im constantly pruning and it grows back like crazy.
I swapped out my lights T-5's appox 3 months ago sothe are all new
3 x 12k new generation
1 purple
2 10K and a actinic.
For fish i have
small tommi Tang
2 clowns
cleaner wrasse
yellow wrasse
Leopard wrasse
Mystery wrasse
prawn goby
Bangi cardinal
small mandrin
large mandrin
Square spot anthias.
3 blood shrimp
1 x orange serpent brittlestar
1x lepoard serpant brittle star
1x red Brittle star
1 fomia star fish
3 conchs
this is like 2 weeks ago

the current pis is the same but with short stubby GHA all over the white rock.
and i have this on the other side