The time has come to take down my huge 500 gallon tank. I don't have a lot of fish anymore, but I still have the following for sale:
9" Blueface Angel - very healthy and gorgeous: $150
4" Majestic Angel - also healthy and eating pellets: $120
10" Vlamingi Tang - very active, healthy and eating well: $150
7" Unknown Tang - mostly black, shaped like a sohal tang, has black tail as well - beautiful fish: $150
I also have a pair of rabbit fish that are kind of ugly (6" - 7") but are good tankmates. I will give these away with purchase of any of the above fish.
It's been awhile since I bought fish from the LFS, so I don't know if my prices are fair. But I do know that I paid more for some of them when I purchased them.
Email me at
ricoespiritu@shaw.ca if you want to see pictures of the unknown tang. I will be home this weekend. Please bring your own bucket.