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Old 05-06-2013, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by dave@conceptaquatics View Post
I guess i should clarify what is happening with concepts

Concept aquatics inc was our retail side of the business and this side will be closing as of july 1 2013

Concept aquariums ltd was and still is our manufacturing side and will continue to operate as is with no changes

ok as some of our value customers may or may not know, i also own and operate another business that takes up a lot of my time. I was fortunately enough able to bring Denny on board to help run that part of the business but this also left me losing touch with what happening over at the other building. With how much Concept had grown over the last year but not knowing if it was make money is a hard way to run a business lol

so decision time! too shut Concepts down or jump head first and turn Concepts into a store that can give any store in calgary a run for the money

since i started Concepts to **** someone off, i might as will try to do something good with it now lol

so as of friday last week all the t's and i's have been crossed on a new building that will allow me to amalgamate both of my companies into one building. Now the fun will start 6500 square feet of space to play with and come up with a cool place to hang out lol. We get the key on july 1 and will have two months to build and setup the new store front.

stay tune as we release the store plans in the next week or so and ask for ideas that will help see flaws in our setup that we have over looked!

so as of july 1 everything will only be concepts aquariums, so no more concept aquatics lol, yes this is point at you Kein lol stop making fun of my name change! and will be up and running. Ruth will be the person in charge and her info will be posted up at a later date.

Thanks Dave
So people can't blame me. I was right The naming game confuses me sometimes so I kept the first word only

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob