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Old 05-05-2013, 04:29 AM
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fishoholic fishoholic is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Edmonton
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fishoholic will become famous soon enough

Ugg......never thought that when I brought my new fish friend home that I'd find a way to annoy myself because of it *sigh*

Now all I can think of when I look at the tank is:

A-well-a bird bird bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a bird bird bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a don't you know about the bird?
Well everybody's talkin' all about the bird!

A-well-a bird bird, b-bird's the word!

Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I just had to have a Stupid bird wrasse now didn't I
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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