I have been reefing for some time now and I think this will be my last upgrade build in this house. I have a old house that I have taken some walls out of, and I think I have the perfect spot for a room divider, So here we go.

I will transfer out all of my 75 gal Cube and most of my 150 into this new tank.
I really like the Drop Tank look so am going to do that with a bit of a twist to get the look.
I will run a closed loop on a Ocean Motion and a Hammerhead pump. Return will be a Dart for now. I am doing my own LED lights and tank is all 12mil tempered.
I took some great ideas from others.

Thanks all of you I am sure you will see.
So my stand is done and I just started putting the tank together,
Here is some pictures to get stared. Have to repaint my kitchen and living room in stages and the wife wants a few new things to complete the space as well but here we go.