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Old 05-05-2013, 01:33 AM
props props is offline
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Originally Posted by niloc16 View Post
As soon as i read the title of this thread i HAD to read it. I've had the salt itch for awhile now......Its been a few years and to be honest i'm scared to jump back in. I started a 30 gallon cichlid tank for the kidlets thinking it may lessen the urges for salt. Total opposite though. What worries me though is i'd HAVE to go bigger than last time because of the ideas i have for the landscaping and thats not a good thing because the last tank was kind of a beast. Go big or go home right? LOL. Its cool to see that so many of you guys are still in it....last i heard a lot of people got out of it.
I am somewhat committed on a 150gallon acrylic tank. But today took some toys out to the shooting range and I think I want more toys that go Bang. Then I logged on here, look at a couple of pictures and if someone buys all my toys I'd be happy to have a tank instead. Then I thought about the maintenance, setup cost, headaches, time spent looking for corals, etc and I don't want anymore tanks. lol
I have talked to a few people who has left the hobby and they're quite happy. I really like the idea of taking a holiday and not worrying a tank.
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