Over the past week I have been scratching my head about what to do about legs for the light. Scroll back and you'll read that my wife didn't want it hanging from the supplied cables in the living room. I just needed something to raise it up off the glass about an inch or so. I tried cutting some wood - looked like crap. I tried cutting some plastic pipe - looked like crap. I tried wedge shaped door stops - wife said it looked like crap. So I find myself at the dollar store and another rather dim light bulb

went off in my head when I saw these baby head savers or whatever they are called.
For $1.25 I couldn't go wrong so I bought two sets. This is what they look like out of the package. They're rounded on the corners too just like the light - it was like a match made in heaven.
I liked the look of just one set under the light but I wanted just a titch more spread so I ended up going with two on each corner for the extra height. Looks like this.
So now I just need to align them properly and glue them together so they look a little neater. Leg problem solved until I see something better.