Originally Posted by BlueTang<3
Can't wait to see how your making out with the closed .....  setting up big tanks is too much work
They are alot of work for sure
Originally Posted by StirCrazy
Looking good Grizz, I have been workign so much overtime I almost missed this, and I do agree with YOU on the "no closed loops" I have never thought if you have enough return flow that you need a closed loop.
you going to have this beast done by summer?
Thanks Steve, hope to have this done in about a month or sooner, full of SW & running. Wife wants the other half of the livingroom back soon where the 165 & 60 are sitting. Decided to do 4 DC10000 pumps & 2 MP40's should be more then enough flow.
Originally Posted by Reef Pilot
No ****** **** question here. But do you have any pics of your euro brace installed? Is it inside or on top of the tank sides? And whether you have any cut-outs or how you did it around the overflows? Thanks.
I will post some pics later but the euro brace is on top of the tank side, really the only way they should be to add strength.
Originally Posted by Titus99
Looking good Greg.
Thanks Nick
Originally Posted by lastlight
Talk about jack of all trades this is looking great!
I noticed your stand is all vertical supports without any of the diagonal bits I often see on large builds to prevent the stand's top from shifting sideways. Not required in your opinion?
Originally Posted by Titus99
Good call.
Wait until you see what I have planned for enclosing the stand & making my wife happy. No need for diagonal pieces, this stand doesn't shift one bit. I can put my full weight into pushing on the side of the tank & it's like a rock. Also remember there is still 2 tower cabinets ( each end ) & a 60 gal tank and stand to be added yet. Whole stand will be in cased in wood once done