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Old 04-27-2013, 03:06 AM
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Originally Posted by mrhasan View Post
Funny that the flow increased through the dorso instead of decreasing
What do you mean by dorso ? Do you mean Durso ? A Herbie doesn't need a Durso Standpipe. If you're using one, maybe it's fine, but my main and emerg standpipes are just straight open tubes. I don't even use strainers as my box is covered with acrylic, so only what can fit through the slits goes down the pipes

You'll eventually find a balance. You adjust the drain, the level changes, then the sump level changes and that in turn affects the standing water pressure on the return pump. Then it'll seem to go out of whack again ...
As I said, you'll find a balance, and hopefully you don't have to mess with it too much
I don't have to touch mine;

My main standpipe is 4-5" tall, the water level is about 10" above that, and the emerg is dry for another 1" plus
I've never had to adjust my drain gate valve because my pump is too much for the overflow
I instead adjust my return pump flow, but have only had to touch it once in 11 months

Last edited by gregzz4; 04-27-2013 at 03:09 AM.
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