I understand the need to watch what we do as humans and our destructive nature. I don't believe it's as bad as some claim. Example; global warming and holes forming in ozone. It's been proven that the earth does go through cycles and holes will appear. Anywhere. The holes come and go since the dawn of the earth. End of the world; didn't happen yet we were made to believe it would and was. No end of the world.
Now, the US is in the biggest deficit ever recorded by a nation. They are also a country that has and is exhausting there resources. They are scrambling for any money from everywhere. US companies and giant corporations are willing to lie, cheat, steal and even kill for profit.
How much money do u think ppl spent during Y2K? And 2012 Mayan calendar crap?
Spearheaded by US companies, media propaganda has taken a huge step in trying to convince us that things are at the worst they have ever been. Sure they aren't great, but they aren't as bad as to impose environmental laws upon every country forcing them to pay them (US).
I encourage ppl to see all these types of videos (Sirius, Thrive, etc.) and make an educated decision on how to respond to these issues, and not one based upon a US influenced propaganda.
Cool vid too