Thread: Zeovit System
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Old 04-26-2013, 02:03 PM
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Myka Myka is offline
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Oh, I did forget to mention that there are Zeovit products that I really like on their own:

Coral Snow which effect I only see as a water clarifier though they claim it does much more.

Spur2 which makes SPS corals drop their zooxanthellae so you have to dose very carefully because if the corals drop all their zoox they will be dead. Dosed appropriately though, it helps control the richness of the colors so you can achieve anything from neon to pastel rather than deep rich hues. So that's a personal preference sort of a supplement. I also find that it helps browned out corals drop their brown zoox too.

Pohl's Xtra or Coral Vitalizer are both similar to FM Ultra Organic ime just by observation, they work like a food supplement. I find I have to be very careful with these as well or cyano outbreak will occur.

Iron Concentratereally increases green coloring, but will also greatly fuel algae, so I never dose this if I have any nuisance algae.

B-Balance is the only supplement I know of that really increases red coloring, but spurs algae just like the Iron.

When I tried the FULL Zeovit system (for about a year) I struggled very badly. I'm a well seasoned reefer, but I lack the passion to pick at my tank daily, and it seemed this was the cause of my failure. Once cyano hit me about 2 months in if I remember correctly, I struggled with small amounts of cyano for a long time after and finally quit Zeovit.

I find Prodibio, Fauna Marin, and Zeovit are all quite similar as far as their FULL line goes. Prodibio is much simpler and you dose only bi-weekly rather than daily. Also, Prodibio relies just on bacteria and bacteria food for nutrient export, no lith rocks. Very simply they are bacteria, bacteria food, coral food, and coral vitamins. You don't have to use the full line of any of the systems. You can use lith rocks with Prodibio if you want. You can use the Zeovit bacteria and food and the FM additives if you want. Of course each system is designed to work "in perfect harmony" with their own products, but I have found bits of this and bits of that work best for me. Ime, if you don't use lith rocks, you have to dose much, much less of the supplements than the labels suggest otherwise cyano moves in. These supplements really are concentrated.

You could always try Zeovit for a year and see how you feel about it. It definitely won't hurt your tank other than maybe spurring some cyano.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 04-26-2013 at 02:12 PM.
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