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Old 06-19-2004, 08:54 PM
Azilla Azilla is offline
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Default Refuge help and QT help

well to make life more stressfull my refuge broke for no reason at all. After the tuff time i had installin it into a remote room now its garbage.
Came home sat down said oh i better check my Sal level of my tank, Went into the other room where my sump and fuge are i hear drip drip drip drip i look at my sump Im LIKE OH NO!! then i look up and see water poorin down the wall and looked and my fuge spidered on one side. So i grabed the duct tape started tapin tossed a pump in the fuge and pumped all water to my sump. then put my alge and rock into sump and sand into a pale.

So now im thinking this is the secound drilled tank that has broke on me and i cant afford to keep buyin them and gettin them drilled.
Can i use a clear rubbermaid 10-20 tub??? as my fuge?? Also i would like to know how to setup a QT Tank i wanna use my old tank as QT.
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