Thread: Zeovit System
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Old 04-25-2013, 02:44 AM
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Myka Myka is offline
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I used Zeovit, Fauna Marin, Prodibio, vodka, and probably something else I'm forgetting.

I think Zeovit is best suited to well seasoned reefers as it is a line of products that involves a lot of tweaking and a lot of observing. Newbies generally don't have the experience to see the little changes. Algae and cyano problems are common with those who don't tweak the recipe well. It is challenging imo, and involves dedicated daily dosing. This is the line of products for the perfectionist nit picker SPS freak imo.

Prodibio I like parts of. I really like BioDigest and BiOptim which used together are called BioClean. This is a bacteria and bacteria food supplement. I like these products on my SPS tank, but find little effect on my LPS/Zoa tank. Dosing these two products increases polyp extension and overall color quite significantly. I don't like the ReefBooster product which I find tends to spur cyano outbreak.

Fauna Marin is another of my favourites. I really like their Balling Light Method which includes balling salts aka calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium powdered supplements that I use in my dosers. These are my favourite "big 3" supplements. The Balling Light Method also includes Trace 1, 2, and 3 where trace 1 and 2 are added to the calcium doser and Trace 3 is added to the alkalinity doser. I add magnesium to my waterchange water along with potassium (I use Brightwell Aquatics Potassion-P). I also add a very small amount of Fauna Marin Ultra Organic on occasion - 2.5 mL twice a week or so in my 90 which is way under the label directions. I find this product really helps brighten up colors, but too much will cause cyano, so I am very careful with it.

I didn't have much luck with vodka dosing. Limewater (kalkwasser) dosing with vinegar seems to be a better option.

My LPS/Zoa tank doesn't seem to be affected much by supplements. I find it does best with low lighting, lots of blue spectrum, Fauna Marin LPS pellets for feeding on occasion and regular waterchanges. If I start mucking about too much it just grows algae and the corals don't do as well. This is a low maintenance tank.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 04-25-2013 at 02:46 AM.
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