Well, coming from a guy who has handled and used more of the product than anyone else in North America, I can assure you that it can be used on a fairly casual basis. As Brad says, it all boils down to expectations.
I've used it with schedules similar to Prodibio with good results. This is something I'd recommend for systems where you are just trying to maintain low and stable nutrient levels, e.g. dose ZeoBak twice a week, ZeoStart3 3/4 times a week sans media.
If you are looking to turn your corals into a palette and manipulate colors, then you'll want to follow the system closely. However, it is unforgiving if you get lax for an extended period of time since the system is operating at extremely low energy/nutrient levels. You're playing on a knife's edge and should treat it correspondingly so.
I should also mention that the additives can be used within or without the system and they're all pretty amazing as long as you have a ULNS (although some are quite good at getting you there... Coral Snow...).
This and that.