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Old 04-24-2013, 01:15 AM
PFoster PFoster is offline
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Originally Posted by lockrookie View Post
I saw what Steve O brought in to Regina.....I was too late and it sold the purple acro. I want well I'm now trying to figure out how to build an octopus tank... Thanks for that lol
lol, yeah that octopus is pretty amazing!
I have kept octopus several times in the past and honestly its really not that difficult.
I prefer to use a smaller tank (obviously this is dependant on the octopus you plan to keep) connected to my much larger display tanks.

Drill the tank and connect it to your main display.
These guys can have a pretty high bioload so connecting it to your main display will mean they always have much better water quality and it also means you dont have to buy new gear or worry about continual and frequent WC's.
The overflow AND the return line MUST have a strainer with very small teeth. If the octopus can fit his beak through the hole then he can pass his entire body through!

The tank MUST have a lid! And the list must be able to be secured. For the construction of the tank this is the hardest part.
You can use a biocube and a velcro strap on the lid to keep it closed.
I built my own custom acrylic tank with a lid that slid open and could be latched closed but I am crazy....

Epoxy all the rock work. Give it places to hide so it feels secure but not so full that you never see it. I prefer building a bonsai style aqua scaping with one singular rock structure that is rather sparse.

And ask your fellow reefers and local stores for all of their evil crabs!
The wunderpus that Steve got is a voracious eater!
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