I've been using Zeo on my tank (300 gallons total) for a year now. I run the basic system. Zeolites in the reactor, bak, food and start. I feed heavily and it keeps my nitrates / phosphates down to a minimum. I dose 1/2 of what is recomended on the bottle (values determined by experts at zeovit.com) and the cost is really low. I dose 0.5ml start twice per day, 10 drops of bak/food twice per week, replace zeolites every few months. Total monthly cost might be in the $20 range for my system.
The biggest thing that leads to the success of this system is consistency and expectations. If you run the base system, expect good color, phosphate / nitrate control and most importantly the requirement to keep water changes consistent (5% a week). Don't expect anything to change overnight.
I ignored my duties for a month and the tank developed hair algae, cyano and the corals lost color / slowed growth. It's taken a couple of months to recover.