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Old 04-21-2013, 11:37 PM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
nope Ive always been here lurking

I DID read the article and in his conclusions he clearly says, some species are highly toxic, some species are weakly toxic and some species are not toxic at me I dont really care how many thousands of mice zoa or paly X could kill,....I care about the well being of my fellow reefers (hence the reason I started the "Marine Aquarium Cautions" thread) and to me, being a LFS employee for 5 years, that means just giving a broad spectrum warning to people about ALL zoanthids.... I couldnt tell anyone with 100% certainty which may or may not contain deadly level of the toxin so I will not accept the responsibility of claiming that I do know....thats what irked me about your have basically said that the zoas that the OP posted pics of "do not contain the toxin".... do you know with 100% certainty that this is true?....because thats a lot of responsibility for a statement that hundreds of people will read.....
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