Originally Posted by jason604
I made this thread to share my first time experience with zoa's toxins. I've seen for myself and heard of many people not use any protection at all while handling them and fragging them. From making this thread i want people to learn more and to take extreme precautions with this hobby and its danger.... Not for some individuals saying that im faking this **** or that i have a basement doctor... So retarded... Think what u want but say it like theres no problem with zoas and to just do w.e with them because theres no harm... Who knows mybe theres someone out there that may have prevented killing themselves by reading this?
One thing you will learn is that no matter what forum you go to in the salt water world is that you will get every kind of reply under the sun especially when corals and toxins/poisons are involved. Everybody reacts differently to certain things I've handled and used sulferic acid(30%)for yrs in my job bare handed and all it does is tickle me yet I get a drop of hydrochloride acid(50%) on me it hurts immediately and is very painful yet one of my coworkers is the opposite he can handle hydrochloride acid(50%)no problem at all yet sulferic acid(30%) burns him right away.
Don't take it personally everybody has a different take on corals and their potential to be dangerous to handle some people are never affected by it others have reactions that can be mild to life threatening it could be the coral or a substance on it or even the rock/peg its attached to. It's always better to be safe than sorry