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Old 04-21-2013, 02:24 PM
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Proteus Proteus is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Devon
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Proteus is on a distinguished road

Got my pump yesterday. I picked up a speedwave 1320 gph. I finished the plumbing but was disappointed as I wanted to put in a small manifold to run reactors but didn't have the room. I guess I'll have to run a small maxi jet for reactors.

So tank got wet now that I can do leak test. Right away I had two leaks in the directional bulkheads. When I too them apart I noticed that the rubbers are half the size of a regular bulkhead. So I siliconed the rubbers in place and made sure the bulk heads are centered. If they fail again I will go with standard bulkhead with loc line attached.
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