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Old 04-21-2013, 05:30 AM
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NO they don't, most small zoanthids don't contain palytoxin. It's only some type of palythoas that contain it and I very much doubt those contain any palytoxin. I have tons of these in my tanks for years and I have been handling them very often without any gloves. I had spray in my face, eyes and can't remember where else and never felt a thing.

I never used gloves an handle any of the zoanthids and palythoas in my tank and I am pretty sure none of them contain palytoxin.

Those that were ever found to contain palytoxin are the ugly brown paly that most of us want to get rid of and come as hitchicker.

Originally Posted by clown lover View Post
I don't think it matters what one it is, they all give off a toxin when there being handled. I learned the hard way as well when handling them. Also if you are fragging out of the tank wear glasses. I use powder free throw away gloves as well.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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