Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 04-20-2013, 06:03 AM
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gregzz4 gregzz4 is offline
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Location: Burnaby, B.C.
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Today was a bit exciting

My wife never calls me at work unless it's important ...
The power at home went out again (second time in the last 6 months, but only 4th time in something like 18 years)
The dudes in quarantine needed some attention, but the DT was fine
Donna closed windows and turned on the gas fireplace
She also used a cup every 5 mins or so to stir the water in the QT. The DT has battery backup vortechs

The power came back on before she left for work, and I'll assume the temp came up pretty fast with my 5 heaters. It only dropped 2 degrees
Nothing flooded or broke etc etc, so all is good. Nothing like lots of automation to take care of things (while the automation works)

I just finished placing an order for a battery backup air pump for the QT

On a more exciting note, the 3 wrasses went into the DT tonight, after 6 weeks in QT
I'll get picks up when the lighting is better
The tiny Yellow Coris has been named Junior, the Orange-back is Floyd, and the Lubbock's is Asrai

Thanks to a link from Mindy, I've ordered some silicone mini ice cube trays for making my own food and I hope that goes well
I got a nice hand mixer for x-mas that I've been itching to use

I plan on buying some inverts next, so stay tuned
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