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Old 04-20-2013, 04:46 AM
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howdy20012002 howdy20012002 is offline
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Btw, Saltcreep(Kyle) is a voice of authority being that he was involved in the process of the new regulations.

realistically the only place we will be getting clams through anywhere in the near future is the USA (as the other places that have the agreement don't typically export clams in the first place).

From the states, we can get whatever is available, from where ever they are from. the only restriction is what they actually have in stock, not what kind it is.

Unfortunately, not only more work to get them - but more costs for the paperwork and the extra middleman in the USA.

I don't think that there is anything about once a year stipulation that I have heard of.
maybe Kyle can clarify that point.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
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