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Old 04-19-2013, 01:13 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Kryptic4L View Post
Wondering what the heck happens behind the scenes, fish pricing is all over the map.

Edmonton has power blues for 60 bux and mysteries for 100. Calgary is 80 and 120 for the same fish.

Pieces can double or triple the average cost on some fish, however have one fish that is 50 dollars cheaper then j&l..
our powder blues at concept aquatics are $55.00 each and our mystery wrasses are $100.00 while im sure i could get more as pb's in town go for closer to $80 bucks we price them the same way we price anything , not based on what we can get but a general markup by percentage based on cost , so if cost is reasonable and the markup never changes then the product stays at a good price.

my price on a juvie emperor angel was 79.99 while big als just right next door to us was 189.99..............huge difference, but after seeing this one would think i should mark the price up but its not like that ,not to us anyways, we took the cost plus all other costs and applied our retail markup which is the same for fish and for corals and the price was $ need to get greedy right

i think youll find mark up on fish isnt regulated and is sure to change from store to store , as always its up to the consumer to shop for best prices and make their purchases based on knowlege learned.


concept aquatics
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