These are the top down pics I really wanted to share with you guys of some of my Acro.
This first one isn't an acro, but of my Crocea Clam :P Love this clam!
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My Millipora with the most amazing polyp extension I have ever seen in a Milli!!! Encrusting like MAD!
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Red Planet acro
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Dunno the name of this guy, some kind of Acro obviously and it has amazing color from a top shot!
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This one looks very similar to the tiny frag pictured above, possibly even the same species. I don't know the exact name of this guy either, I just call it my "Multi-Color Acro"... and check out the encrusting!! :P
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This is the browned out Acro I picked up the other day. Already color is coming back. I really really am curious what the TRUE color of this guy is gunna be! I don't think it will be any typical green color. I dunno yet :P
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Now this one is my pride and joy!! Check out the top shot on this bad boy! For some reason the camera just couldn't get a complete focus on this one lol
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One of the tiny slivers I saved for myself when a co-worker had been fragging up bigger colonies. These were three tiny branches that were starting to grow at the base of the colony. Not sure the name of this Acro either!
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Green Millipora
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