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04-16-2013, 03:00 AM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 308
Time for an update... after leaving the corals from the 3ft'r "thrown" into the tank haphazardly for over a month, I finally had time to arrange things.. Still work to do on the lighting mount for the Radions (5 of them).. very much jerry-rigged right now and quite high over the tank. Overflow emergency drain needs to be finished (right now the drain sounds like a waterfall). I also will be selling off some corals after things settle more in the tank.
How the heck did I fit most of these in my smaller tank!! My Ca and Alk use has almost doubled despite only a small increase in corals..sign of a growth spurt??
Heres a few pics. If you're interested, the photobucket link is on the bottom.
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Last edited by SteveConn; 04-16-2013 at
03:11 AM
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