Arrrghhh! Stupid clownfish keep commiting suicide!
This is ridiculous...
I set up a 14G BC back in December with the intent of having a pair of clowns. I got a pair on Boxing Day. A couple weeks later one of them jumps in the back chamber and gets sucked into the pump. I make a cover for the back (covers half the back area) and get another clown. A couple weeks later a clown gets into the back area and maroons himself on the strainer in the middle chamber - parishes. Get another clown. Make a cover that covers the full back area and seal it to the tank with tape. Two weeks later I find a clown sucked into the pump - again. No idea how it got there. Like seriously... I have no idea.
So the one poor clown left was in the tank all by itself for weeks (save for a few snails and corals). Finally had a chance to run out to JL yesterday and got a picasso clown. Our existing clown was SOOOOOOO excited to have a friend. I don't think I can say I've ever seen a happy fish. This was a happy fish. Damn near brought me to tears to see it so happy and excited. Instantly paired up and were fast friends. It was a great night.
Today the tank was getting a bit warm (we have no control over heat in the house and we're on the top floor - great combo) so I opened to front feeding flap for a bit to let the tank evaporate and cool. Went back 10 minutes ago to close it and our original clown is stuck and dried to the couch! WTF!!!!!
Seriously, I don't get it. Are tank-bred clowns so inbred they are retarded? Or are the fish gods just determined to only let me have one clown?