My tank's been running fine without a controller for 6+ years now. I've never been able to justify the price for something that's so specific to our hobby. In the end, they're all simply processors with some coding & a display. IMO, with today's technology, there should be generic components available that can be configured to run on any smart phone, notebook, pc, mac, tablet, what have you without having to be a 'reef' thing. I've been looking at home automation systems lately & it looks like things are finally getting to the point where it may be worthwhile. After all, the components used for a reef controller are really only sensors, timers, relays, a display, a low power processor & the appropriate coding/software. It's beyond me why you can't simply buy generic components & hook them up to your smart phone, notebook, tablet.... Sure there are some unique sensors for pH, salinity, etc. but as far as timers, controlled power outlets etc., these items are available for other systems as well, aka home automation. I don't know of too many folks these days that don't have the required processing power in components they already own. It would be nice if a manufacturer would step up & simply provide the sensing components with some cables or wifi that will talk to the components you already have at home.
As far as the $$$ war between apex, reef angel, profilux etc., what the hey, if you can afford a controller & want one, what difference does a couple hundred $$s make? Any electronic/electric/software component is subject to failure, like most things in life. That's why I think 'generic' & noname stuff is preferable since you're not tied to the 'brand' name goodies that are only repairable by the OEM.
end rant...
Last edited by mike31154; 04-13-2013 at 12:55 AM.