Time to move back one step ... because the canopy was built after I had the plumbing done ... but it screwed up my sequence for the Journal.
So lets get to the plumbing.
First the tank needed to be drilled.
Plumbers putty and a bit of patience to the rescue:
And thanks to trickery of photography ... I'm done
After the holes were drilled I painted the back ...
And then began construction on the Coast to Coast Overflow
And voila!
The pump is a Reeflo Dart (3600 GPH)
And because I used the Beananimal overflow ... 3 standpipes
There is also a 1" line that diverts from my 1.5" piping on the return that circulates back into the sump. This is for a filter sock. But because my overflow doesn't go to the sock, there is a 0% chance of an overflow because of a plugged filter sock.
The return on the pump is diverted into 4 separate outlets of loc-line that have fan nozzles and locline ball valves. This gives me full control in terms of flow. If I have a piece that can't handle the high flow, I can turn down 1 of the ball valves decreasing the flow in one area and increasing it in another.