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Old 04-12-2013, 08:57 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by fragalot View Post

Why do you need to lie? Do you want me to post 2 emails I have sent you in 2 minutes after I have received your email? And phone call? If you did, you can call me again. I am right beside phone now.

I just told you Skittles with some orange eye palys. On the same frag disk. Did they open up yet? All polyps are open? When they do you will see them there.

Sent you picture of blue eye blondie frags.

And in the first email you have received from me in 2 minutes after you send me ONLY ONE EMAIL, I have said if you can take a quick pic of questionable frags. That's all I have asked. But you didn't even reply my 2 emails.

I am asking you again here, Please post the picture of the frags you have got.

Thank you

PS. I am waiting for your friend. The label on the box has my address. Or if you want I can email it to you.

glad to see you on burc its been awhile its def not easy when selling corals to others so far away , like others ive had small mishaps here and there but in the end you make it right and the corals are a great deal.


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