Never mind FedEx showed up. Just as my order showed up.
From what I could gather experiences have been pretty mixed With this place, but most info was coming from group orders, which can be dicey info as there is more factors that come into play.
Anyways communication has been flawless so far, my original delivery date was pushed back two days due to heat pack issues. ( from what I could gather , this place didn't use heat packs ) Well if they didn't they do now.
One of my frags I ordered was not doing so well, I got a phonecall in the morning before he shipped, stating my options of refund, or a grab bag of others not even on the site yet. Pfft I'm going for the mystery box every time folks . He even offered to refund if I was not happy with the replacements.
Here's some packaging photos, they are currently warming up in my sump. The bags felt pretty warm considering the snowy weather today.
Everything so far a+
This had a foam lid as well