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Old 04-11-2013, 06:46 AM
Kryptic4L Kryptic4L is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 354
Kryptic4L is on a distinguished road

Mother f$@&er .......... Feeling very frustrated tonight.

I've had two tangs, one tomni and one PB marinating in the basement for over a week. They seemed content in the 50 gallon cube. The tomini hid all day in a pipe the pb could not get to, when they both were out and about they showed no signs of aggression towards each other.

They did very well during the first week of prazi. However did not seem very interested in food past the first 2 days .

Started cupramine two nights ago. After I found the pb crashing into a rock repeatedly. Measured the water did the calculations and dosed accordingly. Went and bought. A copper test kit, only to find out it wa not compatible with cupramine. Went to get another test kit tonight, before I administered the second dose. And found the tomini dead when I got home, and the PB on his last breath.

Just been feeling like every one step forward I take 5 backwards. the more I try and do things right, the more things are going wrong.

R.i.p PB, tomini, mystery wrasse, lawn mower man .

I had many fish come and go through the years, tonight's loss of the pb from mr happy go lucky to dead in. 5 hours. Is really hitting me hard, it's gotta be the big eyes.
Two clownfish were in a tank. One says to the other, how do i drive this thing?
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