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Old 06-16-2004, 08:11 AM
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kris_willard kris_willard is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Regina
Posts: 96
kris_willard is on a distinguished road

90 gallon tank on a 6th floor apartment. No problems yet. Noticed that the door seems to stick now didnt before i put the tank in. Hope no one sleeps under it ! I specifically told the land lord that the tank would weigh 300lbs short of a ton and he kinda shrugged his shoulders. I have insurance and it covers everything, including the tank and i think something like 2mill worth of know should the tank drop through 3 floors before smashing . It only costs me something like $17 a month so its well worth it. I talso covers lots of other stuff like if im transporting something in a vhicle and it fall soff the back of the truck and such. Anyhow 120gals of water in a 4x2 space and no problems except a shifting door ( not sure if its the tank or not).
ps- I think i wqin for being the highest up.
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