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Old 04-08-2013, 09:11 PM
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asylumdown asylumdown is offline
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You should be fine at the recommended concentration. At a concentration high enough to kill AEFW, every crab, pod, and worm in your tank would be toast, but the concentration necessary to kill the nasty little red guys (which is the recommended dose by Salifert) is like 30 times less.

The only real problem I had with flatworm exit when I dosed was that I had soooooo many flatworms. If you have enough of them, as they die they start to come off the rocks in sheets, held together by nearly invisible strands of mucous. It made my tank look like it was on fire. Unfortunately, one of my colonies of Acans ended up catching a whole bunch of them and ate probably a good hundred or so dying flatworms. That colony was dead the next day. When they start to die, do your best to prevent your LPS from eating them, they're toxic little nasties.
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